make your writing resolutions

Odometer showing year changeoverNew Year’s Day is the traditional time for resolutions to take effect. Have you made writing and editorial resolutions for your business yet?

If not, then here are some helpful suggestions from the Active Voice blog . . .Resolve to write more clearly, concisely, and accurately.

Resolve to edit your writing for your audiences.

  • Put a writer on your product development team.
  • Project’s over? That’s the best time to follow up with your client.

Resolve to double-check your facts.

Resolve to get your paper and electronic records under control.

I hope these articles help you have a successful writing and editing year in 2008!

Author: Paul Lagasse

Paul Lagasse provides expert-to-expert communications services to nonprofit, business, and government clients in the metro Baltimore-DC area. Specialties include science and medical writing, technical report editing, and content marketing.