solecism for november 13

I don’t mean to keep writing about solecisms, but as long as writers keep creating them, I feel obligated.

From “That story you read in the publication you just purchased may be bought and paid for,” by by Jonathan Trenn, on the Marketing Conversation blog:

“10% of senior marketers have developed implicit agreements with editors or reporters to get favorable coverage. That’s about 1 in 10.”

We can’t be sure, though.

Author: Paul Lagasse

Paul Lagasse provides expert-to-expert communications services to nonprofit, business, and government clients in the metro Baltimore-DC area. Specialties include science and medical writing, technical report editing, and content marketing.

2 thoughts on “solecism for november 13”

  1. Hey Paul,

    While you’re at it, you may as well show it in the context in which it was written. Here it is:

    Check it out. No sugar coating this.

    19% of top marketers admit to having bought advertising in publications in return for favorable coverage. That’s about 1 in 5.

    10% of senior marketers have developed implicit agreements with editors or reporters to get favorable coverage. That’s about 1 in 10.

    8% have admitted to having their company give a gift to an editor or a producer to get a favorable story placed in a publication or program. That’s about 1 in 12.

    That’s from a study conducted by Millward Brown on behalf of PRWeek and PR giant Manning Selvage & Lee…

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